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Your Child's Inner World: A Complete Guide to Personality Types and Inner Personalities

As a parent (or even teacher), it is essential to understand your child's personality type to help them reach their full potential. The 4 main types are:



Choleric, and


Do you know what personality type your child is?

Each personality type has its own unique characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.

Read on to learn more about child personality types and be sure to let us know your findings in the comments section below.

Little African girl laughing


The sanguine child is often described as outgoing, cheerful, and optimistic. They have a natural ability to make friends and enjoy socializing with others. As a parent, it's important to understand how the sanguine personality type child learns and how to support their unique needs.

Sanguine personality type children learn best through hands-on experiences and visual aids. They thrive in environments that are interactive and engaging. As a parent, you can support your child's learning by providing opportunities for them to explore and experiment. This can include activities such as art projects, building with blocks, or playing with sensory materials.

It's also important to provide structure and routine for the sanguine child. They may struggle with following rules and routines, but consistency is key. Creating a predictable schedule can help them feel more secure and confident in their abilities.

As a parent, it's important to provide positive feedback and praise for the sanguine personality type child. They thrive on attention and recognition for their achievements. This can include verbal praise, high fives, or rewards for their hard work. Avoid criticizing or nitpicking, as this can cause the sanguine child to become discouraged and lose motivation.

The sanguine child may struggle with impulse control and may need help regulating their emotions. As a parent, it's important to model healthy coping strategies and provide guidance for managing their feelings. This can include teaching them deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, or engaging in physical activities to release pent-up energy.

The sanguine personality type child is a unique and special individual with their own set of needs and strengths, and as a parent, it's important to understand how they learn and how to support their growth and development. By providing hands-on experiences, structure and routine, positive feedback, and guidance for emotional regulation, you can help your sanguine child thrive and reach their full potential.

Girl with long hair lying on the grass


The phlegmatic child is often described as calm and easy-going, with a generally laid-back temperament. They tend to be introverted and reflective, preferring to observe the world around them rather than actively engage with it. As a result, they may sometimes be perceived as uninterested or disengaged by those around them.

When it comes to learning, phlegmatic personality type children are often slow and methodical learners. They prefer to take their time and process information thoroughly before making any decisions or taking action. This can sometimes lead to frustration for both the child and their parents, particularly if the child is not keeping up with their peers in terms of academic progress.

To best support this personality type, it is important to recognize and value their unique strengths and qualities. Phlegmatic children can be incredibly empathetic and perceptive, and may have a deep understanding of the emotional needs of those around them. Encouraging and nurturing these qualities can help to build the child's confidence and sense of self-worth.

It is also important to provide structure and routine for the phlegmatic child. They thrive in predictable environments where they know what is expected of them and may struggle with sudden changes or disruptions to their routine. By establishing clear boundaries and expectations, parents can help their phlegmatic child to feel safe and secure.

Phlegmatic personality type children are typically auditory learners and retain information better when they hear it, and whilst they may take longer to learn new concepts or skills, with the right support and encouragement, they can excel in their own way. By creating a supportive and nurturing environment, parents can help their phlegmatic child to reach their full potential and achieve success in their own unique way.

By valuing their unique qualities and providing structure and support, parents can help their phlegmatic child to develop into a confident and capable individual.

An African boy with his arms folded


The choleric child is often described as the most difficult temperament to parent. They are strong-willed, stubborn, and have a tendency to be aggressive. However, with the right approach, parents can learn to understand and work with their child's temperament, leading to a more positive and productive relationship.

Choleric personality type children have a high need for control and often resist authority. They are driven by their desire to achieve and can be very competitive. They are also quick to anger and can become frustrated easily. Choleric children tend to be independent and self-motivated, and they thrive on challenges and new experiences.

When it comes to learning, choleric personality type children benefit from hands-on, experiential activities that allow them to use their natural curiosity and explore new ideas. They do not do well with routine or repetitive tasks and may quickly become bored or frustrated. Choleric children also benefit from having clear goals and objectives, as they are highly motivated by achievement and success.

To parent a choleric child effectively, it is important to provide structure and clear expectations. This can help the child feel secure and in control, while also providing a framework for them to work within. It is also important to provide opportunities for the child to make choices and exercise control, within reasonable limits.

Parents of choleric children should also work on building a positive and respectful relationship with their child. This can involve listening to the child's perspective, validating their feelings, and working collaboratively to find solutions to problems.

Finally, it is important for parents to model healthy emotional regulation and conflict resolution skills. Choleric personality type children often struggle with managing their emotions and may become aggressive or confrontational when they are upset. By modelling healthy behaviours and providing support and guidance, parents can help their child develop the skills they need to manage their emotions and build positive relationships with others.

Although parenting a choleric child can be challenging, with the right guidance, it is possible for parents to help their child thrive and reach their full potential.

A boy lying on his arms


Melancholic children are often misunderstood and misrepresented. They are frequently seen as moody, sensitive, and introverted, but their strengths and learning style are often overlooked.

Melancholic personality type children are highly analytical and detail-oriented, and they thrive in an environment that values creativity and organization.

As parents, it's important to understand the unique needs of melancholic children. These children are often overwhelmed by change and need structure and routine to feel secure. They also benefit from a supportive and nurturing environment that values their creativity and intellect. Parents of melancholic children should be patient, supportive, and encouraging, whilst also providing opportunities for their children to express themselves creatively and develop their analytical skills.

One way to support a melancholic personality type child is to provide them with a space for reflection and introspection. This could be a quiet corner of their room or a designated area outside. Encourage your child to spend time in this space when they need to process their emotions or thoughts. You can also provide them with journals or art supplies to help them express themselves.

Another way to support a melancholic child is to provide them with structure and routine. This can help them feel more secure and less anxious. Create a schedule for your child that includes regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and time for homework or other activities. Stick to this schedule as much as possible to help your child feel more in control.

Finally, it's important to encourage your melancholic child's creativity and analytical skills. Provide them with opportunities to explore their interests and develop their talents. This could include art classes, music lessons, or science experiments. Encourage your child to ask questions and explore new ideas.

By providing structure, nurturing creativity, and encouraging analytical thinking, parents can help their melancholic children thrive.

In conclusion, it is helpful to remember that each child is born with a distinct personality type and unique characteristics, and it's up to us as parents to adapt and nurture them to their full potential.

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