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Plastic Pollution Curriculum for Primary Schools

Are your students aware that their behaviour now is what will shape their future on this planet?  Let's help them reduce risk and educate them on the dangers of plastic pollution.

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Making New Items from Old Plastic MKS2 Lesson Plan and Non-Fiction Reading Comprehension Activity

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How can I use this activity as a Literacy Assessment?


This lesson is about repurposing old plastic to make new products. It’s a great Key Stage Two non-fiction reading comprehension activity to help assess your students’ literacy skills.


This literacy assessment is differentiated into three levels (lower / middle /high), enabling a tailored approach to meet individual student needs.   More >>>


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  • Build Awareness

  • Develop Stewardship

  • Encourage Sustainability

  • Interdisciplinary Learning Integration

  • Nurturing Environmental Advocates



The Importance of Teaching Young Children About Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time, with devastating consequences for our planet and its inhabitants. To address this problem effectively, it is crucial to start educating children about plastic pollution from an early age. By incorporating a plastic pollution curriculum, primary schools can play a pivotal role in raising awareness, fostering responsible behaviour, and instilling a sense of environmental stewardship in the next generation.


  • Building Environmental Awareness

Primary schools serve as a foundation for children's education, and it is during this formative period that they develop their understanding of the world around them. By incorporating a plastic pollution curriculum, educators can help children grasp the impact that plastic waste has on our environment, including the harm it causes to wildlife, ecosystems, and human health. Understanding the consequences of plastic pollution at an early age can help children develop a deep appreciation for the need to protect and conserve our natural resources.


  • Developing a Sense of Stewardship

Teaching young children about plastic pollution empowers them to become responsible stewards of the environment. By educating them about the effects of plastic waste and encouraging sustainable practices through a plastic pollution curriculum, primary schools can instil values of conservation, recycling, and waste reduction. By fostering a sense of responsibility towards the environment, children are more likely to make informed choices and take action to reduce their own plastic consumption.


  • Encouraging Sustainable Practices

Incorporating a plastic pollution curriculum enables primary schools to promote sustainable practices among students. From reducing single-use plastic items to implementing recycling initiatives, schools can teach children practical strategies to minimize their plastic footprint. By providing them with the knowledge and skills to make environmentally conscious choices, young children can become active participants in creating a more sustainable future.


  • Integrating Interdisciplinary Learning

Teaching children about plastic pollution through a plastic pollution curriculum offers an opportunity to integrate interdisciplinary learning into their education. By incorporating science, geography, social studies, and even art and literature, primary schools can provide a holistic understanding of the issue. This interdisciplinary approach not only enhances children's knowledge but also encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creative expression. It allows them to explore the complex nature of plastic pollution from multiple perspectives, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.


  • Fostering Environmental Advocacy

By teaching young children about plastic pollution by way of a plastic pollution curriculum, primary schools can nurture a generation of environmental advocates. Children have an innate sense of justice and a desire to make a difference. Educating them about plastic pollution empowers them to speak up, take action, and become agents of change. By encouraging students to participate in environmental initiatives and promoting activism, schools can foster a culture of environmental advocacy that extends beyond the classroom walls.


Incorporating lessons on plastic pollution into the curriculum of primary schools is of utmost importance. By building environmental awareness, developing a sense of stewardship, encouraging sustainable practices, integrating interdisciplinary learning, and fostering environmental advocacy among students, primary schools can play a crucial role in addressing the issue of plastic pollution. By starting early, we can ensure that young children grow up to be environmentally conscious individuals who understand the importance of protecting our planet for future generations. It is the responsibility of primary schools to prioritize the teaching of a plastic pollution purriculum and equip children with the knowledge, skills, and values needed to tackle the plastic pollution crisis head-on.

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